HRC-Riveting Process and Augmented Reality in Production

Problem definition
In the sectional assembly of aircraft, a large number of rivets are required to connect the pressure dome to the section barrel. This riveting process is currently carried out by two workers. The working conditions for the employees involved are ergonomically unfavorable in this process.
Advantages of the solution
An improvement of the working conditions in aircraft production as well as a relief of the employee by dynamic task sharing between man and robot can be guaranteed. The process is secured by determining the robot position with the HoloLens.
Used technologies
Human-robot collaboration is used in the riveting process of aircraft section assembly as well as an intuitive operating concept for worker assistance. The identification of the robot position through the aircraft shell is simplified by means of mixed reality technologies (Google HoloLens).
Fields of application
The HRC riveting process is mainly used in the aircraft section assembly.